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About Us

Our company began heat treatment processes in 1967 in Bursa, which is at the center of automotive and machinery industry in Turkey, with an electric furnace manufactured by Mr. Adem Oner, who was a technical teacher.

Today, our company meets all the heat treatment needs of its customers from a single point with atmosphere controlled furnaces, vacuum furnaces, nitriding furnaces, induction hardening machines and additional services in its modern plant,  which is approximately 5000 m2, in BTSO OSB.

Our company - which constantly follows the technological developments in the sector and is one of the pioneers in Turkey with its investments in these technologies - is one of the biggest and best quality heat treatment companies of our country with its 50 years of experience, experienced staff and management team aware of its duty for 3 generations; and is the solution partner preferred by leading international and domestic industry organizations in the sector.

Sectors - References


Günümüzde firmamız BTSO OSB’de bulunduğu yaklaşık 5000 m2 lik  modern tesisinde atmosfer kontrollü fırınlar, vakum fırınları, nitrasyon fırınları, indüksiyon sertleştirme makinaları ve verilen ek hizmetler ile müşterilerinin tek noktadan tüm ısıl işlem ihtiyaçlarını karşılamaktadır.

  • Roketsan

  • Coşkunöz Havacılık

Quality Policy
Kalite Yönetimi

The quality policy of our company, which has gained the full trust of its customers in heat treatment with its experience and knowledge that it has taken over from the past and carried to the future;

To continuously improve the heat treatment activities carried out with the sense of responsibility towards its employees, environment and society; and to meet customer demands in a timely and error-free manner by using error prevention methods in processes carried out with the help of its trained personnel and machine park expanding in line with technological developments.

Increasing the satisfaction of our employees and customers, and our continuous development principles will be the basis of our growth.

Please click the icon for downloading actual quality certificate


Metal malzeme işleyen büyük / küçük imalatçıların tüm ısıl işlem ihtiyaçlarını yıllara dayanan bilgi birikimi, yüksek teknolojik ekipman ve kalite anlayışımız ile tek noktadan karşılayabilmektir.



Kendi içinde teknoloji, kalite ve hizmet ayağında sürekli gelişimini devam ettirirken, müşterileri ayağında malzeme bilincini iyileştirmek, ulusal ve uluslarararası bilinirliğimizi sürekli arttırarak sektöründe ilk tercih edilen ısıl işlem tedarikçisi olmaktır.

Heat Treatment

BOSB Turuncu Cad. No: 12, 16120

Nilüfer/Bursa, TURKEY

+90 (0224) 242 43 10

+90 (0224) 242 43 11 (fax)

Steel Supply

Beşevler Sanayi Sitesi 26.Blok No: 6-15 

Nilüfer/Bursa, TURKEY

+90 (0224) 441 97 13

+90 (0224) 441 46 15 (fax)

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  • Önerler Isıl İşlem Yandex Harita

2018 - © Copyright

Isıl İşlem

BOSB Turuncu Cad. No: 12, 16120

Nilüfer/Bursa, TÜRKİYE

+90 (0224) 242 43 10

+90 (0224) 242 43 11 (fax)

Çelik Satış

Beşevler Sanayi Sitesi 26.Blok No: 6-15 

Nilüfer/Bursa, TÜRKİYE

+90 (0224) 441 97 13

+90 (0224) 441 46 15 (fax)

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  • Önerler ısıl işlem Facebook Bağlantı
  • Önerler ısıl işlem Yandex Harita

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